
I got the nasty flu that has been spreading around lately in the campus. I tried to do my best with the second Japanese test and the skit even though I feel so tired every time I woke up. I also went to the Atsu Atsu night which was really fun. I got to meet new people as well as old one. I just hope that I'll get better this Friday!



I'm so glad it's almost the end of the week. This week has been really stressful with my chemistry quiz and Japanese homework. The only wonderful thing about this week was the beautiful weather. I wish everyday would be slightly cold and breezy with a clear blue sky like today. As for the Japanese class, my Katakana reading skill is very slow, but it's improving. Though it's certainly fun to realize these foreign-sounding words are actually from English. My favorite one is kompyuutaa.


First blog entry

こんにちは 皆さん、

I always wanted to blog but I never had committed myself to do so. I was surprised that part of our Japan assignments was blogging. Hopefully, it will motivate me to blog more often. It's only been about three weeks but my Japanese class already had our first test. I always wanted to take Japanese or any East Asian languages because I'm fascinated with East Asian cultures and history, but my high school did not offer any. People in my Japanese class are very unique and committed to learn, the materials are interesting, and the activities are fun. As my friends have warned, Japanese 101 is very challenging, but I love it. Now that I'm learning Japanese, I learn to appreciate this complex language more. Aside from the language, I also enjoy Japanese music. I think part of how I can read ひらがな quickly is because I usually read the song's lyrics in ひらがな . That's all for now. I'll leave you with this song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6HQvbMmU4uI

