



I used to dislike peer-editing because I didn't like my friends to correct my paper. One of the reasons was I felt really embarrassed when my papers were filled with correcting marks. Nowadays, I always try to ask my friends to read my paper because they can find mistakes that I often overlook. Peer-editing also helps improving my grammar and style because I can read other people's papers and see their strong points. However, to make peer-editing works well, the editors must be honest about their revision or else peer-editing will be useless.


2nd draft

こどもの時に私はベトナム国にいました。その時 はとてもたのしかったでしたから、私はこどもの時が大すきです。私はかぞくのそばにいて、たいてい一緒にあそびました。私のかぞくはよくひまでしたから、一緒にばんごはんを食べてました。おにいさんは時々私にゲームをおしえました。おねえさんはたいていまいしゅうの土曜日のばんまちのダウンタウンに 私をつれて行きました。私のまちはおおきです。だから人がたくさんにいますが、あたらしい人にあってはいけませんでした。まちのダウンタウン私とおねえさんはおいしい食べものを食べて、かいものをしました。こどもの時にやすみをたくさんあって、よかったでした。まいねんの七月私のかぞくはりょこう におばあさんのいえに行きました。そのいえはちいさいまちにあります。木も川もたくさんありましたから、私はおにいさんと見ぶつをしました。おばあさんのいえのそばにふるい木がいます。あの木はおきいですから、木の下でおねえさんは時々ねて、本をよみました。おばあさんのりょうりはおいしいかったでしたから、そのいえでたくさん食べました。おばあさんはいぬがいました。バルトでした。でも、四ねんまえバルトはしにました。バルトは一ばんすきないぬですから、わたしはいつもわすれません!だから、私のこどもの時が大すきですよ。





another week

しゅうまつはとてもさむかったですよ。せんしゅう私のともだちがテストがたくさんありますから、私は土曜日にあまりでかけませんでした。でも、さらいしゅうは「thanksgiving break」です。みんなさん、がんばれ!!!




私はちょっと元気じゃないよ。せんしゅうはちょっとさむかったですから。せんしゅうにもは日本ごのクラスでぼくは 「ADJECTIVES」をべんきょうしました。日本ごのぶんぽうはとてもずかしいですよ。でも、日本ごのぶんぽうはたのしいです。そのクラスもたのしいです。だから、私は日本ごのクラスがすきです。(でも、しゅくだいがたくさんあります)。
きのう私は「トランスフォーマー」を見ました。そのえいががだいすきですよ!とてもおもしろかった。アッションのえいががすきです。ラブのドラマもすきです!はい、私は男の人です。-_-。つまらなくありません。ドラマにきれいなアックトレスがいますから。 (^_^キ)

That's all for now.


It was really rainy and miserable for the whole week. But I actually had fun. Being my crazy self, I played in the rain with my other crazy friends for half an hour. People were staring at us and commenting on how stupid we are. But guess what? I wasn't sick the next day, and that event became one of those memorable college days :)


みんなさん みて!わたしはせんしゅうにハワイへいきました。わたしのともだちはわたしのしゃしんたくさんをとりました。

Just kidding. わたしはハワイのパーティへいきました。It was actually a fund-raising dinner for a medical relief team to Laos. I helped the organization out by cleaning up the restaurant and making the party more fun (^_^') だからわたしはハワイのダンスをべんきょうしました。


After a brief fall break, I had a test/midterm everyday this week. It's not as bad as I thought it would be. I did well but not as well as I hoped. I always make small mistakes sporadically in the tests that hurt myself in the end. But I'm glad that midterm is finally over, and I can start afresh again. Within the first half of fall term, I have gained a lot of experiences about college and more importantly I gained more confidence about myself. I hope everybody has a wonderful weekend


Today is Thursday, but I have so many stuff to do before Fall Break begins. Japanese is getting more difficult as ever. I found it very interesting that Japanese language rarely uses the native Japanese counting words except for the days, while employ Chinese loan counting words for almost everything else. And after reading and hearing about onsen, I really want to go there, especially now when I have all these midterms and tests!


I got the nasty flu that has been spreading around lately in the campus. I tried to do my best with the second Japanese test and the skit even though I feel so tired every time I woke up. I also went to the Atsu Atsu night which was really fun. I got to meet new people as well as old one. I just hope that I'll get better this Friday!



I'm so glad it's almost the end of the week. This week has been really stressful with my chemistry quiz and Japanese homework. The only wonderful thing about this week was the beautiful weather. I wish everyday would be slightly cold and breezy with a clear blue sky like today. As for the Japanese class, my Katakana reading skill is very slow, but it's improving. Though it's certainly fun to realize these foreign-sounding words are actually from English. My favorite one is kompyuutaa.


First blog entry

こんにちは 皆さん、

I always wanted to blog but I never had committed myself to do so. I was surprised that part of our Japan assignments was blogging. Hopefully, it will motivate me to blog more often. It's only been about three weeks but my Japanese class already had our first test. I always wanted to take Japanese or any East Asian languages because I'm fascinated with East Asian cultures and history, but my high school did not offer any. People in my Japanese class are very unique and committed to learn, the materials are interesting, and the activities are fun. As my friends have warned, Japanese 101 is very challenging, but I love it. Now that I'm learning Japanese, I learn to appreciate this complex language more. Aside from the language, I also enjoy Japanese music. I think part of how I can read ひらがな quickly is because I usually read the song's lyrics in ひらがな . That's all for now. I'll leave you with this song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6HQvbMmU4uI

